Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pesta in Ruteng !

As the number of VSO volunteers in Indonesia continues to dwindle (see earlier posts about the long running saga of visa negotiations that has led to the suspension of VSO's health programme), this weekend sees another departure as Festus, a Kenyan water engineer, comes to the end of his two year placement and heads home to seek paid employment in Africa. Of course, no departure would be complete without a pesta (you can guess the translation !) so I'm heading westwards on Friday to bid farewell and also visit two Dutch friends who were in the same intake group as me all the way back in February.

Mark & Anouk (and also Festus) live in Ruteng which is about 400 kms west of Maumere. I plan to make this marathon journey by motorbike with an overnight stay in Bajawa about 280 kms from here en route (that 280kms should take about 10 hours to accomplish). This will be my first time travelling past Ende (which is about 150km from Maumere) so I'm very much looking forward to the opportunity to see more of Flores and hoping that the rain will hold off.

Bajawa is near the site of the 2003 discovery of the Flores "Hobbit" which still divides the scientific community as to whether it is really a separate species or not.

I've been told that the party preparations are well underway and that 40 litres of moke (as the local hooch arrack is known here) have been prepared and that a suitable goat has been identified for our dining pleasure.

On the return journey,leaving on Monday morning, I'll try to make it from Ruteng to Ende on the first day, and then the final 150km from Ende to Maumere on Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Do you have a padded saddle? That would be a good investment I think no matter what it might cost you! Enjoy the trip Mark x
