Monday, February 16, 2009

Apa ini ?

Ok, it's time for a little competition - what is this, or in Bahasa Indonesia, apa ini ?

It’s about the same size as a tennis racket but it isn’t. Each of us was given one of these by VSO shortly after we arrived and it has come in quite handy already.

Post your suggestions as a comment below – I’ll post the answer in a few days.


  1. I know I know (nomen est omen!)
    a mosi zapper

  2. too easy Mark!!!!!!!!!!
    speaking from experience as an oft bitten victim

  3. Just like the one's from Carrefour - btw, they no longer stock them, can you send a few over?

  4. Mark - is it a raquet for playing underwater badminton? It could also be a Star Wars Darth Vader type thing for playing tennis instead of killing the other person. May the Force be with you anyway.

  5. Felix Zarka could seriously have done with one of these in "Good Days"....the measles have finally left him Mark and he's as good looking as ever!!

  6. Mark, is it a hula-hoop for a centipede? But it's a really close up picture??

  7. Ehhhh just trying to sorted with posting at all ... will say something worthwhile when I manage to "get in"!

  8. Ok, now I've done it - looks great Mark - Rosemary reminded me last night of your blog and am looking forward very much to reading your posts (a small but necessary interlude from my working day), Wendy.
