Monday, October 19, 2009

Kimang Buleng

Yesterday I joined a group from the hospital on a motorbike excursion to the top of one of the nearby mountains (Kimang Buleng). Ten of us altogether made the rather steep ascent with only one puncture (a rarity as most tyres here are long past their best and the quality is rubbish to start with so you never have to go more than about two miles without passing a "tambal ban" or tyre repair place).

On  the way, we had to pull off to the side of the road to make room for someone who was moving house (literally) !

This morning the working week kicked off with a meeting in the hospital which was a followup to the complaints workshop and survey that I wrote about some time ago. Today's meeting consisted of a  few speeches (as usual) and the public signing of a promise by hospital management, department heads and local government officials to make some very specific changes, many of which I suspect will be difficult to implement as they will involve spending money, a resource which is in very short supply. However, it's interesting to see how a country which is tied up in miles and miles of red tape still has institutions which adopt a very inclusive and open system of trying to deal with their problems. This is largely down to the enthusiasm of the hospital director, Dr. Asep, who engages lots of stakeholders in the wider community about decisions in the hospital.

Here Marlena, one of the finance team (renowned for her voice, she belts out Celine Dion numbers at weddings !) formally reads the complaints, promise and recommendations while the Bupati (regent) on the far left and Dr. Asep listen in.

 Next, Dr. Asep takes the stage and outlines the hospital management's response (using the analogy of a large ship for the hospital !).
Following this, the promise and recommendation is formally signed by representatives from the hospital, local government, Department of Health and other stakeholders.

While Dr. Harlin and Dr. Mario look on and enjoy themselves...


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