Friday, October 9, 2009

Wha' ?

Firstly, apologies for the recent lack of posts. My laptop had an emergency trip to hospital last weekend due to the charger getting fried after the last repair fell apart. Thanks to Rudi in Toko Digital, his hacksaw, soldering iron and friendly expertise, I am now back on the air again.

Following that, I was confined to barracks (or at least a radius of about 10 metres from my bathroom) due to a rather vicious attack of mencret (translate it HERE if you really need to) for three days but thankfully that now seems to have passed.

When I came back, one of the things I have been working on is a grant application to a Portuguese NGO for funds for the hospital. All of their paperwork is in English (thank goodness as my Portuguese is non existent) and the application documentation is rather formally worded. For example :

a) Principal Objective (general condition, desired in a long term, that a Project may help to achieve. The concretization of the specific objective facilitates the materialization of the principal objective)

I will try to write my proposal in simpler English ! 


  1. we missed you !

    The Scots

  2. In response to the Principle Objective - what???!!!

  3. It reads alarmingly like a report to the Dublin & Munster Presbytery. Down with all gobbledegook!

  4. Typical Portuguese I'm afraid (my best friend's Portuguese). Things tend to be long winded and old fashioned. Beware, they may not appreciate your 'simpler' version (you may be expected to jump thru hoops!) tho reading it again it does look like they may have just used an online translator!
    PS Hope you didn't run out of TP :)

  5. Hi Charlie, great to hear from you. TP is an unknown commodity in Indonesia !
