Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tick, tock, tick, tock....

I found out very recently that the long running saga of negotiations about agreeing an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) between VSO and the Indonesian government (which finally seem to be getting somewhere, what is hoped to be the final meeting takes place today, Saturday) will have one significant implication as far as I am concerned. The new way of working is likely to be quite different from current arrangements and the health programme (of which I am part) in particular is going to look very different in the future. As part of the move towards these new arrangements, the news came out last week that there would be no possibility of extending existing health programme placements. As my placement here is only for fourteen months (or sixteen including the introductory in country training) I had always had in the back of my mind the likelihood that I would probably consider extending my stay here for a while longer, if for no other reason than to feel that I was getting some value out of the investment that I have put into learning a new language at my advanced stage in life. Now, however, it looks as if this will not be possible although there may be the possibility of applying for a new placement, which would probably mean committing to a further two years here, making my total stay at least three and a half years. Hmmm.....

If I leave at my original end of placement date I will leave Indonesia in early June 2010, meaning that I am now more than halfway through my stay in this extraordinary country. This realisation has had the effect of suddenly focusing my mind on what I have done (very little) and what I feel have left to do (an awful lot).

Hmmmm again......


  1. I think you are under-estimating yourself and your contribution so far by a long way Mark and where there's a will there's a way


  2. There's really nothing much to rush back to Mark particularly after Brian Lenihan has made his little speech in December! Go for it!

  3. I simply do not accept that you have achieved little. Your sheer enthusiasm for the people, the culture and the land must have communicated itself to many. Moreover, you have been enriched in ways beyond your imagining by your adventures in Maurmere. Much has been accomplished. Ask anyone who reads your fascinating blogs.

  4. Agree with Grahame and Denis - you are doing so much Mark, and this is so impressive!

    Whatever time you have spent will have been to the advantage of all the people you meet :-)


    Jon :-)
